Convergence and Accuracy of Dynamic Relaxation Technique in Determination of Central Deflection of Composite Rectangular Laminates

Convergence and Accuracy of Dynamic Relaxation Technique in Determination of Central Deflection of Composite Rectangular Laminates

Osama Mohammed Elmardi Suleiman Khayal
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Nile


The convergence and accuracy of the Dynamic Relaxation (DR) solutions for elastic large deflection response of isotropic, orthotropic, and laminated plates are established by comparison with various exact and approximate solutions.

The present Dynamic Relaxation method (DR) coupled with finite differences method shows a fairly good agreement with other model_paper3.pdf (550.9% u)
and numerical methods used in the verification scheme.

It was found that: The convergence and accuracy of the DR solution is dependent on several factors including boundary conditions, mesh size and type, fictitious densities, damping coefficients, time increment and applied load. Also, the DR large deflection program using uniform finite differences meshes can be employed in the analysis of different thicknesses for isotropic, orthotropic or laminated plates under uniform loads. All the comparison results for simply supported (SS4) edge conditions showed that deflection is almost dependent on the direction of the applied load or the arrangement of the layers.

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