C# codes

مكتبه الاكواد
مكتبه لاكواد سي شارب
System.Net.IPHostEntry ass = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName("[www.almohandes.org](http://www.almohandes.org)");
System.Net.IPAddress []ip = ass.AddressList;

انشاء مجلد

System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory ("c:\almohandes");

حذف مجلد


نقل مجلد

System.IO.Directory.Move ("c:\almohandes", "c:\almohandes");

pictureBox1.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"csharp.jpg");


تستطيع تنفيذ الكود بشرط ان يوجد عندك صوره في نفس مسار البرنامج
ويكون اسم الصوره csharp.jpg
طبعا تستطيع التعديل في الكود وتحديد مسار مختلف وصورة مختلفة


System.Diagnostics.Process s = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
s.StartInfo.FileName ="C:\\Program Files\\MacromediaFlash 5\\Flash.exe";


MessageBox.Show (System.Environment.CurrentDirectory );

جميع الأعضاء الموجودة في هذه الفئة هي أعضاء ساكنة Static

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Text;

public class InternetConnectionState


    [DllImport("wininet.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
 private static extern int InternetGetConnectedStateEx(

     ref int lpdwFlags,

     StringBuilder lpszConnectionName,
     int dwNameLen,
     int dwReserved);
    static StringBuilder connectionName = new StringBuilder(255);// Buffer initializing
    public static bool IsConnected()
 int retVal = 0;
 retVal = InternetGetConnectedStateEx(ref retVal, connectionName, connectionName.Capacity, 0);
 if(retVal == 1)
     return true;
     return false;
    public static string ConnectionName
     return connectionName.ToString();

كود لطبع التاريخ والوقت

using System;
class myApp
    public static void Main()
 DateTime CurrTime = DateTime.Now;
 Console.WriteLine ( "d: {0:d}" , CurrTime );
 Console.WriteLine ( "D: {0:D}" , CurrTime );
 Console.WriteLine ( "f: {0:f}" , CurrTime );
 Console.WriteLine ( "F: {0:F}" , CurrTime );
 Console.WriteLine ( "g: {0:g}" , CurrTime );
 Console.WriteLine ( "G: {0:G}" , CurrTime );
 Console.WriteLine ( "m: {0:m}" , CurrTime );
 Console.WriteLine ( "M: {0:M}" , CurrTime );
 Console.WriteLine ( "r: {0:r}" , CurrTime );
 Console.WriteLine ( "R: {0:R}" , CurrTime );
 Console.WriteLine ( "s: {0:s}" , CurrTime );
 //Console.WriteLine ("S: {0:S}" , CurrTime );  // error!!!
 Console.WriteLine ( "t: {0:t}" , CurrTime );
 Console.WriteLine ( "T: {0:T}" , CurrTime );
 Console.WriteLine ( "u: {0:u}" , CurrTime );
 Console.WriteLine ( "U: {0:U}" , CurrTime );
 Console.WriteLine ( "y: {0:y}" , CurrTime );
 Console.WriteLine ( "Y: {0:Y}" , CurrTime );

[CENTER]داله الصوت
اولا نضيف هذا الأمر اعلى الشاشة البرمجية(فوق الكلاس)

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

ثم نعرف دالة كالأتي


    private static extern int PlaySoundA(string a,int b , int c);


ثم نستدعي الدالة في زر أمر كالتالي

PlaySoundA(@"file name here",0,0);


مثال على التأكد من تاريخ معين باستخدام الحد الأقصى للتاريخ في تقويم

   if(MessageBox.Show(this.ProductName+" version "+this.ProductVersion+" is expired and must be updated!nDo you want to check for updates now?",this.ProductName+" :: Version Expired",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)==System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)

Here you can load a text file into a rich text box


To close the application after clicking an object called "exit

private void exit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


     if(MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to exit ICit Calendar?",this.ProductName+" :: Exit",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)==System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)



لمعرفة تاريخ اليوم ووضعه في كائن :

private void today_Select(object sender, System.EventArgs e)




إظهار رسالة:

MessageBox.Show("my text","label");

1. Write a function that takes length and breadth of a rectangle as argument and returns area. Check this function in main class.
2. Write a program to demonstrate Operator overloading (for --, = operator) for class TwoD point.
3. Write a program to demonstrate the Runtime polymorphism with Virtual functions.(Hint: Take virtual function for calculation of area of triangle and rectangle)
4. Write a class having an abstract method area. Override this method in two derived classes for calculation of area of rectangle and triangle.
5. Write a program which inherits a base class and two interfaces. Show this by a function.

هاذي برامج ماعرفت احلها تكفووون يالنشااما

موضوع يستحق الاعجاب شكرا جزيلا