شرح full pitch

ممكن مساعدة في شرح المصطلحات التالية لاني وجدت صعوبة في فهمها والتفريق بينها
1-pole pitch
2-full pitch coil
3-fractionl pitch coil
4-pitch factor
5-distribution factor

المسافة بين قطبين متجاورين
The pole pitch is defined as peripheral distance between center of two adjacent poles in dc machine. This distance is measured in term of armature slots or armature conductor come between two adjacent pole centers. This is naturally equal to the total number of armature slots divided by number of poles in the machine.

2-full pitch coil
3-fractionl pitch coil

Pole pitch is the center to center distance between two adjacent poles.
One pole pitch is 180 degrees electrical.
Coil span is defined as peripheral distance between two sides of a coil.
If the coil span is equal to the pole pitch, then the armature winding is said to be full pitched one.

4-pitch factor

Pitch factor is the measure of resultant emf of short pitched coil in comparison with resultant emf of full pitched coil.

5-distribution factor

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