Help me for using matlab

[LEFT] I am M.Sc. student in Salahaddin University college of science. I have this problem that is show below. I want to plot Equ.(4) by using matlab programs. Please kindly help me???

[LEFT]Scattering coefficient  (μa )=2600 (m-1);
Absorption coefficient (μs ) =100 (m-1)
Anisotropic factor (g)=0.9
I=0.25  W/m2;
α (thermal diffusivity)=1.19*10-4
c (specific heat) =4J/Kg.K
k( thermal conductivity)=0.6W/m.K
μeff=(3μa(μa+ μs(1-g))1/2……………….(1)

q= μa.I.exp(μeff.z)……………………(2)

 [RIGHT][RIGHT]{[(Tm-1)p+1-2(Tm)p+1 +(Tm+1)p+1]/ (Δz)2}+q/k =(1/ α){[ (Tm)p+1-(Tm)p]/ Δt}     ……..(4)[/right]
z=mΔz,       m=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

t=Δt,                p=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

I need to plot temperature in Equ.(4) on y-axis as a function of depth (z) on x-axis and temperature on y-axis as a function of time (t) on x-axis[/left]

اولا قم اخى بتبسيط المعادلة وجعلها فى صورة متغيرات عادية وقيمها موجودة
وبعد ذلك قم بتوقيع المعادلة وان شاء الله تترسم معاك ولو واجهت اى مشكلة ارسلى المعادلة بعد التبسيط لانها الان فى صورة لا يمكن ادخالها الى الماتلاب