Professional PHP Programming


Over the past years, the
Internet has gone from the preserve of academics to the cutting edge of business.
A large part of this has been driven by the growth of the Web, with its graphical browsers and high
media profile. The change from static HTML pages to dynamic, user interactive presentations has been
achieved largely by the introduction of scripting technologies.
Working with the usual markup language of a web page, scripting languages enable clients to demand
specific information from their servers, and their servers, in turn, to receive important user input in order
to process and display data on demand.



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جزاكي الله خيرا بشمهندسه هبه

سلام عليكم لما فتحت الرابط يشير بأن مشكلة حصلت ولااستطيع الحصول على التنزيل فهل بامكانك ارسال الكتاب الى ايميلي ؟؟

سلام عليكم لما فتحت الرابط يشير بأن مشكلة حصلت ولااستطيع الحصول على التنزيل فهل بامكانك ارسال الكتاب الى ايميلي ؟؟

please try this link

يا سلام على الشغل