التبريد بالامتصاص

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ارجوا من سيادتكم مساعدتى فى طرق صيانة الثلاجات التى تعمل بطريقة الامتصاص

[RIGHT][COLOR=#000000][FONT=‘Times New Roman’,‘serif’]طريقة التبريد ( بدائرة الامتصاص)

وتتلخص فى استخدام مخلوط الامونيا( النشادر) ([/font]r717[/color] ) مع الماء والطريقة كالاتى:
1- يتم تسخين مخلوط الماء والامونيا فى المولد(
generator ) فيتصاعد غاز الامونيا الى المكثف(condenser ) .
2- يتحول غاز الامونيا الى سائل فى المكثف ويتساقط الداخل المبخر (
evaporator[FONT=‘Times New Roman’,‘serif’][COLOR=#000000] ).
3- يتحول سائل الامونيا الى غاز ويمتص الحرارة من المبخر ومما حوله وبذلك نحصل على التبريد .
4- يمتص الماء الموجود بالمبخر غاز النشادر ويصبح محلول ويتجه الى المولد.
5- يعاد الدورة بتصاعد غاز الامونيا مرة اخرى .

وهذا شكل الدورة اثناء دورة تسخين المخلوط
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[COLOR=#000000]وهذا شكل الدورة اثناء دورة التبريد

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وهذا الشكل العام لدورة التبريد بالامتصاص

[CENTER]1. Absorption Refrigeration Technology

2. [/center]

5. Absorption Refrigeration Overview
6. A few household units, called gas refrigerators operate on the absorption principle. In these gas refrigerators there is a strong solution of ammonia in water is heated by a gas flame in a container called a generator. The ammonia is driven off as a vapor, which passes into a condenser. Changed to a liquid state in the condenser, the ammonia flows to the evaporator as in the compression system. Instead of the gas being inducted into a compressor on exit from the evaporator, the ammonia gas is reabsorbed in the partially cooled, weak solution returning from the generator, to form the strong ammonia solution. This process of re-absorption occurs in a container called the absorber, from which the enriched liquid flows back to the generator to complete the cycle. Increasing use of absorption refrigeration now occurs in refrigeration units for comfort space cooling, for which refrigerant temperatures of 45° to 50° F (7.2° to 10° C) are suitable. In this temperature range, water can be used as an absorbent material with Lithium Bromide as the carrier solution. The very cold boiling water from the evaporator is absorbed in concentrated salt solution. This solution is then pumped into the generator, where, at elevated temperature, the surplus water is boiled off to increase the salt concentration of the solution; this solution, after cooling, re-circulates back to the absorber to complete the cycle. The system operates at high vacuum at an evaporator pressure of about 1.0 kPa (.145 psi); the generator and the condenser operate at about 10.0 kPa (1.45 psi).
7. What are the Advantages of Aolar Assisted Cycles?
8. Why do we need to manufacture an absorption refrigeration system using solar energy to assist in the process? Theanswer to this question is quite clear. If refrigeration can be achieved using solar energy solely, operation costs will be kept to a minimum. The only cost of operation would be the preventative maintenance associated with the system’s use. Although this seems like a tremendous advantage by itself, there is more! There are many locations around the world where electrical power is not readily available. Third world countries have little or no access to any electrical currents. This product would be a phenomenal advantage to these locations where intense medical attention is needed. The solar powered refrigeration unit could be used to keep various medicines coolfor extended lengths of time. This may seem far-fetched, but some medicines or even organs for that matter need to be refrigerated for safety concerns and effectiveness. Currently, there is no means to achieve this level of refrigeration without traditional electricity. This product could save the lives of thousands with one fairly simple system. It would also be of great benefit to anyone when there is no bill associated with its operation. This is just one of many relevant examples describing how important this product is to our world today.

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idont know why

عايز تفصيل اكثر من ذالك

شكرا جزيل لادارة المنتدى المحترمه

أريد شرح وافي لدورة التبريد بالامتصاص تعمل بنظام بروميد الليثيوم والماء مع الرسم للcooling tower الخاص بتبريد المكثف و المبخر و الممتص و كذلك أريد معرفة عدد الطلمبات اللازمة لهذه الدورة واستهلاكها الكهربائي كذلك معرفة امكانية ربط هذه الدورة بنظام يعمل بالطاقة الشمسية

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