تصميم لترس

من لا يشكر الناس لا يشكر الله عز وجل

thanks alot

from the two pictures if you can modifty the gear meshing to the outer diamter it will reduce the force needed to move as T=L*F
if you can’t ithink you can use more of motor to reduce the cost as torque needed will be T= Fl for the first +Fl for the secnad +… as the the the motor’s feautres you have in stock but be soure the have the sme rpm value

there anther solution it be be costive but not sure you can replace the with hydrolic system from pumps unit and motor units with concedration that the controlling speed and torque unit will be easier and the failer will be safe without damge to system

for any help send me email to johnanwerhana@gmail.com
if you work in egypt _cairo i can meet u if u want

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