ملف مشروع بالبريمافيرا

small project by primavera 3.1
2 villas and fense and leveling
Hope you like it

11 persons download this file and No comment
is it good or bad???
your opinion?
best wishes


thx alot for your comment
you are the first person who gave a comment here, do not know why

ابحث عن وظيفة

thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

جزاك الله خيرا - اتمنى ان استفيد منه - على كل حال جزاك الله خيرا

لاتزعج نفسك بالردود افعل لله وتأخذ الاجر ان شاء الله
ربما تأتيك دعوة بظهر الغيب تنفعك يوم القيامة

God bless you

[LEFT]nice work
but you a lot of open end activities i.e. has no succesors and the critical path is very long and has many activites
you may need to relogic the relations or use another method of construction like using more subcontractors
develop more


yopen end activity
withoput succ.
for example
you do not need when you finish the slab to start direct with the finishing
also some times, you wait till the the building has finished then you start to make fisnishing work, it depends on how you handle your work and when you do the work
, maybe your scope of work just is a part of building
Best regards
and thx alot for you comment
Mohamed Hendy

Thanks a lot friend for ur work

thank u for your good effort

ارجوا من السادة المهندسين الأفاضل شرح مبسط ل flow shart مع خالص شكرى وتقديرى

thank you very much

متفتحش معايا برامج البريمافيرا .

ana mosharik atamana min admin ana yashra7a li kayafa adhab ila lmawdoae mobashara lakom atyab lmotamayat

مشكور جدا
كيف استطيع ان احمل الملف ,اي برنامج اختار…مع تقديري

thanksssssss please show me the link

جزاكم الله خيرا ,مجهود طيب