اول سيارة تعمل بالهيدروجن فى العالم سنة 1860

[CENTER][SIZE=4]السلام عليكم

البعض يعتقد خطاءا ان استخدام الهيدروجين كوقود تقنية حديثة ولكن الواقع غير ذالك

فهى تقنية قديمة ظهرت منذ اكثر من قرنين من الزمان ومن اوائل المكتشفين لها العالم Etienne Lenoir

من فرنسا

وقد سمى تلك السيارة Hippomobile.

نظرا لان محركها يعمل على استخدام الهيدروجين كوقود لها

وهى سيارة من الخشب بثلاث عجلات وتدار بواسظة محرك واحد سلندر ثنائي الاشواط = كالذى يستخدم بالموتوسيكلات

وكانت تستخدم خلية لتحليل الماء للحصول على الهيدروجين اللازم لتشغيل المحرك
وكان يسمى تلك الدورة الطاقة النظيفة
"natural cycles"

وللعلم هنالك ايضا اكتشافات اقدم من هذا الاختراع سيتم وضعها باذن الله تالى قريبا

الصور بالمرفقات

الرابط للخبر

In part one of this series, I listed the exploits of Rivaz, but skipped Lenoir. Etienne
Lenoir patented his two-stoke engine in 1860, and he installed it in a three-wheel
wagon, named the “Hippomobile”, because its fuel – hydrogen --, was electrolyzed
from water. French humour, I guess. He later experimented by running his engine
on different fuels, coal gas among them – the very first flex-fuel engine. (Is there
absolutely nothing new under the sun?) Lenoir built and sold almost 400 of these
engines, competing successfully with steam engines of the time.
A replica of Lenoir’s “Hippomobile”, the very first ‘flex-fuel’ pickup truck.
Illustration courtesy of the Louvre, Paris.
In 1874 science fiction writer Jules Verne predicted that the world would use water
as a fuel in the future – we are still working on that. And ‘Dr. Mirabilis’ had already
foretold ‘speeding wagons’ in the middle ages. (other than on the Autobahn, we are
being fined for doing that). I ask you; did these people in the old days have nothing
else to worry about, but to imagine what might happen in the far future? I am
struggling here just to get history into a meaningful sequence.
Fifty year after Grove’s experiments, in 1889, Charles Langer and Ludwig Mond, tried
to build an apparatus that would function to create electricity with air and coal gas.
At about the same time, William White Jaques conducted similar research, using
different materials. All three of these scientific experimenters have been credited
with being the first to use the term “fuel cell”. (I believe it was one of the
bureaucrats in the patent office, who wanted to make a name for himself). Oh, the
vagaries of history.[/size][/center]