سلسلة الفيديوات الأشمل عن الحساسات

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته.

أشمل سلسلة فيديوات عن الحساسات الصناعية في القناة التعليمية قَناة رَبِّ زِدني عِلماً

[مقدمة للتعريف عن الحساسات الصناعية]

إعجاب واحد (1)

The characteristics of the sensor (NN AMC 2300PC01) include: miniaturization, digitization, intelligence, multi-function, systemization, and networking. It not only promotes the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, but also may establish new industries, thus becoming 21 A new economic growth point of the century. Miniaturization is based on micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) technology, and has been successfully applied to silicon devices to make silicon pressure sensors.