بعض الروابط لانواع مختلفة من المحركات وطرق الحصول على الطاقة من مصادر غير تقليدية


this video shows the new invention of motion less generation of electric power it takes (90~100 watt) and produces 0.7amp at 240 volts (184~200 watts) this device can be used to reduce your electri city bill slow down the meter this generator is world first solid state power generator please see the video and if you have any querries you can contact me on winsonali@yahoo.com if you wish to but one of these units for R&D purpose i will send you a unit imediatly i have already file the patent for any further question related to over unity , magnetic electric gererator, perpetual motion , tesla coil , high frequency or principal of bearden motionless generator please ask me,the sole purpose for showing this video is to promote free or low cost electricity you can reduce you electri bill upto 40% ~ 60% very easily
this power generation is based on my own theory of smart energy my email address is winsonali on yahoo
this unit can be directly connected to windmill and solar panels and this is a perfect solution for alternative energy

we are still working to improve the performance but one thing is for sure we can use it in homes to reduce the electric bill with any device upto 1Kw


motionless electric generator

this video is in continuation of my previous video of world’s first operating motionless electric generator,
in response to my last video i have several question i have answered those questions as well as shown amperes, In this video the voltage coming from grid are 250 so when we get the dimmer to the lowest level the output was 49 volts so out put from the electro gen become 338 volts my device needs only 30 volts to reach to 220 volts each 1 volt increase means 10 volts in out put
at the input this time we have placed a 60 watt bulb which is representing the input power when the dimmer is low its out put is very dim and when we feed this low power to genie the output from genie become very high but this bulb remains very low showing a low input and high output
regarding calculation although is not as simple as that but its good for approximation
input to genie is 2.7 amps at 49.8 volts so its 49.8 * 2.7 = 134.46 watts
output from genie 1.33 amps at 338 volts so its 338 * 1.33 = 449.54
please see the video in the last video the third wire i have shown clearly
the new bulb added at input was required by one of the examiners of the product and this shows the input remain low when genie makes high output
you can email me at winsonali@yahoo.com
thankyou for watching this video
tesla is my mantor


Magnetic Vortex Energy 4 1 / 7

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Magnetic Vortex Energy 4 2 / 7


Magnetic Vortex Energy 4 3 / 7


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Magnetic Vortex Energy 4 7 / 7


Walter Russell Vortex Video: The Cosmology of Twin Opposing Electro-Magnetic Vortices

[COLOR=“Green”]properties of Walter Russell’s Cosmology of “Twin Opposing Electro-Magnetic Vortices”. His ideas explain all of the natural observations of our Universe which baffle confused academicians.

The physics of Russell’s Cosmology also explains the Free Energy Implosion Technologies of the great Austrian Water Wizard, Viktor Schauberger. Schauberger invented Implosion Turbines in the 30’s and 40’s in Austria and Germany.

This implosion physics defies academic physics and makes academic theory provably obsolete and the professors pushing these socially engineered lies as well.

For a detailed account of the free energy technologies of Viktor Schuaberger and Walter Russell, Implosion Physics, Bio-mimicry, Scalar Mechanics and the many types of Free Energy Technologies currently in existence please see:


Viktor Schauberger Implosion Turbine from the 1940’s


Permanent Magnetic Free Energy Motors








All current destructive academic forms of energy production including the corporate alternatives of Solar, wind and tide are all obsolete. Demand that this technology not be suppressed by the energy barons again for another 50 years. Start a group and demand it be implemented immediately to reverse our present direction into a planetary environmental hell.

Hold President Obama accountable for his promised mantra of “Change”. This is the only change that will bring about real freedom, happiness, recreation and eternal abundance for humanity.

Namaste Amigos

Music by Pink Floyd “Dogs” from the beautiful “Animals” recording. The gorgeous vocal work of David Gilmore and his soaring guitar solos, makes this a personal favorite. Plus I am a wood dog (58’), so it is rather poignant for me as well.



Walter Russell - Secrets of the Universe

Walter Russell (1871-1963), was an American artist, sculptor, architect, and a controversial figure in physics and cosmogony, credited as the originator of the term ‘New Age’. He posited that the universe was founded on the unifying principle of rhythmic balanced interchange.

Although a number of his books have been published, few of his claims have been verified by mainstream academics. This is mainly due to the fact that scientists assume the existence of matter and Dr. Russell assumes the existence of mind.




Conversations with History: Walter Russell Mead

Historian and author Walter Russell Mead, in a conversation with UC Berkeley’s Harry Kreisler explores the ideas that have shaped and defined U.S. foreign policy throughout American history. Series: “Conversations with History” [6/2003] [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 7390


Conversations With History - Walter Russell Mead

“Britain and America and the Making of the Modern World”

Conversations with History host Harry Kreisler welcomes Walter Russell Mead of the Council on Foreign Relations for a discussion of the Anglo American maritime system—its origins, development, and impact on the world. The conversation touches on the unique synergy between protestant religion and capitalism in the Anglo American world, the consolidation of power in the process of transforming the international system, the importance of culture in international politics, and the need for a dialogue of civilizations in the 21st century


Company Gammamanager EBM 720 generator 1500 KW

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Magnet Powered Generator


Magnet motor/generator Adams motor replication


Adams Motor

Anouther winter project- an adams “push” motor" bassed on cd disks & commodore 64 floppy drive.
i also managed to charge some battery’s with the reverse emf generated in the switching cct-might be able to apply this" free charge" idea to lots of electronic equipment that traditionally short reverse emf to ground.


Adams motor

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The Konehead Pulse Motor by Doug Konzen

[COLOR=“Blue”]http://www.vanguardsciences.biz/dvds.htm - Lecture and/or workshop DVDs - Theory, experiments and discussion as well as demonstrations of the Konzen Pulse Motor which appears to produce overunity. Doug explains magnetic ‘splatter’ and how various coil configurations can be used to recover and add energy back into the circuit.

An explanation of the ‘pulse’ motor based on insights and information from John Bedini, EV Gray and other types of pulse motor circuits. Doug has built wonderful working models from off the shelf parts in his quest for a working overunity motor. He explains his experiments which led to the term ‘splatter’ currents, how they are produced, how the coils are wound as well as how the stators are attached and adjusted to give the optimum output. Some believe Konzen is the most likely person to blaze the path to a shared working overunity motor and is currently offering it for testing in the form of kits and models.[/color]
