بعض الروابط لانواع مختلفة من المحركات وطرق الحصول على الطاقة من مصادر غير تقليدية

التحليل الكهربي للماء


إشتعال غاز الهيدروجين


Hydrogen generator

non-electrosis production of hydrogen
chemical production of hydrogen


hydrogen generator part2 for fuel cell


hydrogen storage tank


hydrogen powerd water heater

hydrogen is pressureized into a empty propane tank ,sent to a modified mushroom space heater-hot water tank and sent to the hot tub

hydrogen is pressureized into a empty propane tank ,sent to a modified mushroom space heater-hot water tank and sent to the hot tub

hydrogen is pressureized into a empty propane tank ,sent to a modified mushroom space heater-hot water tank and sent to the hot tub


Hydrogen water as fuel

built this Hydrogen generator and boosted my gas milage from 28 to 45 MPG. Hopefully I am a leader in saving the planet, like Jack Here


Who Killed the WATER Car? Part 1 of 6


t 1 of 6

Who Killed the WATER Car? Part 2 of 6


Who Killed the WATER Car? Part 3 of 6


Who Killed the WATER Car? Part 5 of 6


Who Killed the WATER Car? Part 6 of 6


Water Car Inventor Killed… Full Story


run your car on water

Learn how YOU can run YOUR can on water, Simple Cheap DIY Hydrogen System that WORKS
This Site is already getting
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Convert Your Car To Run On Water

Tired of high gas prices? Learn how to modify your car to save gas using water today! It’s cheap and effective, many people are already saving thousands of $$$

Category: Autos & Vehicles


Learn How To Run Your Car ON WATER!!

Save money! It’s EASY! Link:

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Advance Tech Geo Update Part 5 (HHO)

At the end of the vid my camera battery went dead on me, but I was pretty much done anyway. I forgot to mention, one could easily run an electric generator using this method with less HHO output. There are 5 parts to this vid.


Advance Tech Geo Update Part 4 (HHO)

I forgot to mention, one could easily run an electric generator using this method with less HHO output.


Advance Tech Geo Update Part 3 (HHO) Gas vapor and HHO

I forgot to mention, one could easily run an electric generator using this method with less HHO output.
There are 5 parts to this vid.


Advance Tech Geo Update Part 2 (HHO)
