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Free Energy by Tariel Kapanadze Georgia 4 / 13


Free Energy by Tariel Kapanadze Georgia 5 / 13


Free Energy by Tariel Kapanadze Georgia 6 / 13


Free Energy by Tariel Kapanadze Georgia 7 / 13


Free Energy by Tariel Kapanadze Georgia 8 / 13

Free Energy by Tariel Kapanadze Georgia 9 / 13


Free Energy by Tariel Kapanadze Georgia 10 / 13


Free Energy by Tariel Kapanadze Georgia 11 / 13


Free Energy by Tariel Kapanadze Georgia 13 / 13


12V Earth battery

Earth, air, metal and water make light. This earth battery produces 12V and was an experiment on increasing the amps with only a serial series and strong electrolyte. Next step is to make smaller and find the right parallel/serial series to produce grunt.


water batteries powering 12v 1 watt led

2#water batteries powering a 12v led bulb test no#2 from www.acton-c02-stoke-on-trent.c o.uk


Earlier Magnet Motor by Zapata

The video basically says that its a magnetic motor that runs without fuel or electricity. It has a 12 Volt battery and he alludes to a meter showing amps going in and amps going out. He further states that the motor has 4 magnets and one electrode. Each magnet, when the rotor reaches their critical point, propels it forward. The last sentences are hard due to the background noise.


MotorMagnetico – Jose Zapata’s Magnet Motor

Argentine inventor, Jose Zapata, claims to have an all-magnet motor that drives a 300-Watt alternator. Like the E.C. motor, it has a starter motor to get it spinning, then the permanent magnet interactions are said to keep it running, turning an alternator which generates the electricity.

In November, Zapata posted a video to YouTube showing the system running, though it does not show the internal workings of the magnet motor, which he is keeping proprietary.

The projected cost to build the unit is around $1 per Watt – several times cheaper than solar.

Jose says he is working on building a larger engine, with three rows of magnets, to achieve 25 HP (~18.5 kW). He also has a request to build a 300 kW unit.

He filed a patent on this in Argentina in 1998. His document shows an award date of 2001. So he’s had this for quite some time. Apparently he has had a bad experience in his own country with trying to bring this technology forward. The video states that currently Jose is seeking to market the patented technology, excluding Argentina.

But it hasn’t always been so. In 2003, the County Legislature of Zapata’s province of La Rioja passed a resolution declaring Zapata’s invention of provincial interest. He said several of those deputies saw his system running. Also in 2003, officials from a the National Technical University in La Rioja saw it running and signed a statement to that effect.

He had cannibalized his only working motor (the one shown in the YouTube video) in order to get parts for the higher-output version he is building. I advised him to reassemble the old motor and to order in new parts for the new motor. He said he needs about US$3000 to complete it.
“What I need at present is to finish the new magnetic motor, but I have run out of money. I even sold the last car I had.”

March 8, 2010, 10:30 pm Mountain update: We were able to find a group willing to send Jose that money.


motore magnetico


A força da roda d’água


Bertrand Piccards Solar Impulse: Nonstop fliegen bei Tag und Nacht



Here’s a little model engine I built in my home machine shop. I built this with inspiration from the MESCO electric engine that uses the AVERY patent 958,354. Actually, its an electric motor that looks like an engine.



this is my new "FOUR COILS GRAVITY MOTOR, is a pulse motor with 4 air core coils, and the rotor is working without friction, no bearings. is my first test for F-4 for the moment is only the a test for the operation of the motor and in a future i will post more results…!


Geet reactor on motorcycle (Test Ride)

As requested, I made this video to explain how GEET output connected onto the engine intake. I used this system to dope engine power just like steam injection. The original carburetor act as the main fuel supplier to the engine. When gasoline used in the bubbler it’s look more power boost I got. Before fitting this reactor, due to bad fuel octan my motorcycle run with kcnocking on heavy load (2 adult on the bike). Now, it’s gone with smooth running engine.


linear Pulse Motor

Example of magnet pulse in coil


Muammer Yildiz Free Energy Device

M.Yildiz’s magnetic monopole device. First public demonstration will be on May,2010 at Germany

Source : (CHA) Cihan Media Services (http://www.cihanmedya.com)
