بعض الروابط لانواع مختلفة من المحركات وطرق الحصول على الطاقة من مصادر غير تقليدية

Bodkins Earth Energy Experiment --Replication


Imhotep - Bedini Fan Project Part 4


Bedini computer fan


Window 36v


Twin Rotor Bedini Motor vid 2


Understanding the Bedini Circuit


Bedini Patent Animated ver. 1.0

Bedini Patent Animated ver. 1.0


My First Bedini


My spin on the bedini motor with dc brushless pc fan


Bedini Motor Circuit Diagrams


Bedini circuit diagram


Bedini Coil Guestion


Tesla - The Race to Zero Point & Free Energy (Documentary)_3.avi

Free Energy—The Race to Zero Point, provides a thorough, professional examination of the leading theories and practical inventions that tap into HYPERLINK “zero point energy” — now acknowledged by quantum physicists to exist in all space as a potential source of infinite and accessible electromagnetic energy.

Respected engineers and scientists explain in understandable terms how amazing new energy technologies and inventions can go beyond alternative energy to solve the energy crisis on our planet.

The video “Free Energy — The Race to Zero Point” is an eye-opening account of free energy technology — why we don’t have it yet, and what is being done about that.

First, this video gives us a brief history of the scientists, like Tesla and Schauberger, who have pioneered free energy and alternative energy, and describes their persecution by those who seek to control the world’s energy resources.

Then we are presented with a series of first-person interviews with several of the thousands of today’s inventors who have braved the possibility of imprisonment or worse to create their machines.


Tesla - The Race to Zero Point & Free Energy (Documentary)_4.avi

Free Energy—The Race to Zero Point, provides a thorough, professional examination of the leading theories and practical inventions that tap into HYPERLINK “zero point energy” — now acknowledged by quantum physicists to exist in all space as a potential source of infinite and accessible electromagnetic energy.

Respected engineers and scientists explain in understandable terms how amazing new energy technologies and inventions can go beyond alternative energy to solve the energy crisis on our planet.

The video “Free Energy — The Race to Zero Point” is an eye-opening account of free energy technology — why we don’t have it yet, and what is being done about that.

First, this video gives us a brief history of the scientists, like Tesla and Schauberger, who have pioneered free energy and alternative energy, and describes their persecution by those who seek to control the world’s energy resources.

Then we are presented with a series of first-person interviews with several of the thousands of today’s inventors who have braved the possibility of imprisonment or worse to create their machines.

محركات جديدة تعمل على الطرد المركزى فى اتجاه واحد فقط تصلح لتسيير الكل المركبات وحتى السفن والطائرات

وغير ملوثه للبيئة


Tesla - The Race to Zero Point & Free Energy (Documentary)_5.avi

جهاز الجيت لاستخدام الماء كوقودبديل للديزل والبنزين ومنعا للتلوث


Tesla - The Race to Zero Point & Free Energy (Documentary)_6.avi

مجاضرات وشرح من بعض العلماء لتكنولوجيا الطاقة الحرة ومصادرها
والمحاولات اللتى تعمل على منعها وقمعها حتى لا تصل الى البشرية
لتظل هناك ازمة مفتعله عن الطاثقة مصادرها لجمع المال فقط


Tesla - The Race to Zero Point & Free Energy (Documentary)_7.avi

محركات الدائمة الحركة والكهرباء المجانية


Tesla - The Race to Zero Point & Free Energy (Documentary)_8.avi


Tesla - The Race to Zero Point & Free Energy (Documentary)_9.avi

مشاكل المخترعين والحرب عليهم ضد الطاقة الحرة الى وضعهم بالسجون بدون تهم او ذنب
فقط لانهم يريدون نشر الطاقة النظيفة للبشريةومنهم هذا المخترع الذى واجه تهمة الحبس فى كاليفورنيا


Tesla - The Race to Zero Point & Free Energy (Documentary)_10.avi
