Free Vibration Analysis of Cross – Ply Symmetrically Laminated Composite Beams using Finite Element Method

First order shear deformation (FSDT) theory for laminated composite beams is used to study the free vibration of laminated composite beams, and the finite element method (FEM) is employed to obtain the numerical solution of the governing differential equations. Free vibration analysis of cross – ply symmetrically laminated beams with rectangular cross – section for various combinations of end conditions is studied. To verify the accuracy of the present method, the frequency parameters are evaluated in comparison with previous work available in the literature. The good agreement with other available data demonstrates the capability and reliability of the finite element method and the adopted beam model used.
Keywords: Finite element method, first order shear deformation, free vibration, laminated beams, cross – ply symmetric.Free Vibration Analysis of beams.pdf (687.7% u)

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