Chemical Process Safety

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Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications (2nd Ed., Crowl & Louvar)
ولكم مني جزيل الشكر

[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
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Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications
by Daniel A. Crowl & Joseph F. Louvar

[SIZE=3][COLOR=Black]Book Description:

For upper level undergraduate or graduate level Chemical or Mechanical Engineering courses in chemical process safety, as well as for chemical and mechanical engineers in the beginning of their careers who are interested in improving chemical process safety. It can also serve as a guide for anyone interested in learning about chemical process safety, including high school teachers, firemen, environmentalists, OSHA regulators, EPA regulators, and others.

The only book designed as a text for teaching chemical process safety, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the essential technical fundamentals of chemical process safety. Its emphasis on fundamentals is intended to help both the student and the practicing scientist to understand the concepts and to apply them in an appropriate manner

* Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
* Number Of Pages: 656
* Publication Date: 2001-10-16
* ISBN / ASIN: 0130181765




[CENTER]مشكور ويعطيك ألف ألف ألف عافية

وأدعو من الله العلي القدير أن يوفقك في الدنيا والآخره[/center]

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في الدنيا والأخرة
مشكور جدا على التواصل
وانتظر المزيد ان شاء الله من
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