كيف اشيل التشويش من الموسيقى وأخلي الموسيقى عن طريق fourier transform

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ارجوكم ساعدوني كيف ممكن لو عندي ملف موسيقي اشيل منه التشويش
الملف مرفق بالاسفل
والمشروع لازم تسليمه يوم الاحد 17-12
اذا ممكن حدا يشرحلي كيف اسوي هذا المشروع خاصة وانني ادرس هندسة حاسوب فليس عندي علم كثير بالكهرباء انا متاكد انه المشروع سهل بس انا ماعندي اي فكرة
وهذا نص المشروع:


The first step I took was to learn how to load a WAVE file in to the

MatLab workspace. This is accomplished by using the


wavread command.


>> x = wavread(‘music’);


% Note that music.wmv must be saved in work




After you figured this out you go to the definition of the Fourier Transform

[LEFT]and then following your hints you figured out how to get the FFT. Following
further hints given able to correctly plot the signal in the frequency domain.
>> X=fftshift(fft(x));

  1. Plot the signal in frequency domain.
  2. Detect what is the signal confirm.
  3. Say what is the filter must be used to cancel the pulses appeared.
  4. Design that filter using unit step function as a perfect filter then
    multiply it by the music signal to cancel pulses appeared.
  5. Listen the music signal after filtering using [/left]




wavplay command and


plot the music signal in frequency domain after filtering.

6. Compare and Comment on your results.


[FONT=TimesNewRoman][SIZE=4][LEFT]جزاكم الله خيرا


