تحليل وتصميم الخزانات الخرسانية الاسطوانية في برنامج الروبوت والتحقق معا الحل اليدوي

In this video we explained the method of analysis and design of concrete tanks with cylindrical shapes and Elevated تحليل وتصميم الخزانات الخرسانية في برنامج الروبوتfrom the surface of the earth

These Tanks are often used in water supply projects to provide the reserve quantity and to meet the needs of the network.

Design requirements in accordance with the Egyptian code,

We consider the walls of the tank to be anchored slab and the floor of the tank are horizontal slab and then take a slide one meter width and study loads.

The results of the program are fully correlated with the size of the mesh parts where they were very close to the manual example and can only be 100% identical when you divide mesh size of less than 1 m. It has been tested that a small of less than 0.5 m applies exactly the results but the analysis process will be slower .

I hope that everyone will benefit from this humble effort … and you are our sincere love.

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