Need Help

[LEFT]Hi every body
This Salman. I’m new student in University of Ottawa(Canada) and I’m looking for the project topics of these titles:

  1. Idea Generation Techniques.
  2. Life Cycle Costing.
  3. Maintenance Management Methods.
  4. Configuration Management.
  5. Total Quality Management.
  6. Concurrent Engineering.
  7. Software Engineering Management.
  8. Value Engineering.
  9. Reverse Engineering.
  10. Reengineering.

If anyone have any idea about these topics, please give me the help.


كنت بصدد بحث عن الكتله الحيه -الطاقه الشمسيه -الطاقة الهوائيه -النبات و الطاقه الجديد ة
