Transportation Terms





Arterial Roads

is a traffic term

which refers to wide streets or major roads that carry large volumes of traffic through a community
Break of Bulk

is a transportation term

which refers to the separation of a shipment into smaller amounts for easier shipping to customers

is a traffic term

which refers to very wide roads that carry large volumes of traffic between communities
Intermodal Transport

is a transportation term

which refers to the moving of a product between places using more than one type of transportation
Just-In-Time Delivery

is an operational term

which refers to parts being ordered and received just before a company needs to use them

is a location

at which point two or more pathways or routes meet

is a device

which allows places to be connected by the movement of people, goods, or information
Location Factors

is a general term

which refers to things that influence the choice of a company’s location

is a general term

which refers to a multiple number of pathways joined together

is a route

which flows between places once a link has been made
Principle of Least Effort

is a journey between two places

which follows the shortest possible route
