[B]السلام عليكم
من البحث الوصول الى الوقود الجديد الصالح للبيئة = الهيدروجين
بدات الشركات والافراد فى سباق للوصول الى تلك التكنولوجيا الحديثة القديمة
تكنولوجيا استخدام الماء كوقود نظيف للبيئة ووقود لاينفذ ابدا
فهو الوقود الوحيد الذى ان استهلكته رجع الى اصله فتلك الحكمة من الله تعالى الينا لنرى اياته فى الافاق لعلنا نتذكر قدراته فالماء بعدتحليله وانتاج الكهرباء يرجع ليصير ماء مرة اخرى باذن الله تعالى فهو لايلوث البيئة ابدا
و هنا توجد الواح للطاقة الشمسية للحصول على الكهرباء اللازمة لتحليل الماء
واستخدام الغاز الناتج لتشغيل خلايا توليد الكهرباء
العجيب ان خلايا انتاج الكهرباء تنتج كهرباء اضعاف ما يلزم لتحليل الماء
بمعنى انه يمكن وضع خلية اضافية وظيفتها تحليل الماء وباقى الخلايا تنتج الكهرباء لتشغيل السفينة
وتلك التجربة نجحت مع المخترع للسيارة اليابانية اللتى تسير بالماء
فهو يضع لتر ماء كل يوم ويسير بالسيارة ولا يحتاج الى انواع اخرى من الطاقة الكهربية
وللمزيد من المعلومات هنا
[B] Powered via a hydrogen fuel cell
[/b][LEFT][B][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Fuel Cell Project for 2008[/size] - [YouTube Video](http://www.almohandes.org/vb/redirector.php?url=http://www.almohandes.org/vb/redirector.php?url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGB3-22ZWWE)[/b][/size][/font][/b][/left]
[B] We sailed to Goldstream in the fall of 2007, in the sloop “Jim D”, which was assisted with a Horizon H300 fuel cell. After an evaluation of the trip, we estimated that the electric motor powering the boat needed to be in the range of 2 to 4 horsepower. As off the shelf solutions were not immediately evident, the plan to modify a Yamaha motor from gas to electric was conceived. Gas to Electric Outboard Demo Video The design was based on available technologies that were easily combined and affordable. The first system was deployed in early June on Ian Soutar’s 18-foot cabin cruiser, “Pepper Pot”. It was on display with the sloop “Jim D” at the Tall Ship Festival in Victoria. The “Jim D” had been fitted with a Minn Kota, model RT202/EM, a 4 horsepower dual electric motor system capable of producing over 200 pounds of thrust. This was a 36 VDC, 98-amp unit that required an even larger fuel cell system than we had originally planned.
In an attempt to accelerate our development plan, we became involved with the Mechatronics program at the University of Victoria. A group of 5 fourth year mechanical and electrical engineering students undertook the development of a dual 1.2-kilowatt fuel cell system along with finalizing the Yamaha conversion kit. In mid August, a working prototype was ready for deployment. The resulting architecture was even better than we had expected, allowing the operation of up to 4 parallel fuel stacks by one master controller. This would allow for redundancy in the system and permit up to 4.8-kilowatts of power at a much reduced cost.
While the pair of 1.2-kilowatt fuel cells were being worked on at the University and using the B.C government carbon tax refund, the boat was outfitted with 35 watts of Canadian Tire solar panels. They provided sufficient power for local operations of the Jim D on a daily basis. During this period of testing, it was found that only one of the RT202/EM motors was required for the boat to reach a maximum speed of 4 miles per hour, the speed being limited by the 4-inch pitch of the propeller. It was also established that only 550 to 600 watts of power was required to maintain this speed for extended periods of time. As a result, the fuel cell system was trimmed back to a single Palcan PC5, 1.2-kilowatt fuel cell stack.
September and October has seen continued testing of the combination fuel cell/ solar power system with very satisfactory results. My appreciation to Palcan for all of their technical assistance and to the Selkirk Station Kayak and Bike for supplying hydrogen this year.
In May of this year, I purchased 40 litres of gasoline for the sailboat and after some 150 miles and 5 months of use, I still have about 30 to 35 litres left. The gasoline is used as ballast to help keep the electric motor portion of the gas/ electric hybrid outboard motor under the surface of the water. The other benefit of using only one of the electric motors is that the weight reduction has made it easer to manually lift the outboard into its normal out of water storage position.
As a result of seeing the news stories about Canada’s first fuel cell assisted sailboat, the Alumni association of Loyalist Collage, Bellville Ontario has nominated me for this year’s Ontario Premiers Award for technology. I will also receive the “Best Innovation Award” from the Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce at the Annual General Meeting, Novemeber 19, 2008. I wish to thank those involved for these honours.
Jim Harrington
Plans for 2009
There are a number of systems improvements that we plan to undertake for next season in the area of high-pressure hydrogen storage tanks, ultra-capacitors in place of batteries and electro-mechanical layout. We are also planning to have an electrically powered hydroplane operational by August of 2009. The goal is to reach speeds of 30 to 50 kilometres per hour. Since we are now able to supply substantial amounts of power from 12 volts D.C. through to 240 volts 3 phase AC we are evaluating such applications as forced air heating, a heat pump system and a portable emergency water and power module for disaster applications.
Suggestions for other possible applications are appreciated.
[IMG]http://www.agoenvironmental.com/Images/Heatpump.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.agoenvironmental.com/Images/hydroplane1.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Are you interested in your own fuel cell powered boat?[/size][/b][/size][/font]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=2]Here are some [motor options](http://www.almohandes.org/vb/redirector.php?url=http://www.almohandes.org/vb/redirector.php?url=http://www.agoenvironmental.com/ElectricMotors.htm) to consider.[/size][/font]