اين نحن من مبادئنا

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

صفحات مضت وسنين مرت
لكن لا نتغير
يتغير من حولنا مع الزمن الانسان لم يعد بمعنى الانسانية كما هو معروف
مصطلح الانسان جاء من الانسانية
بمعنى كائن لديه مشاعر واحاسيس يختلف بها عن باقي الكائنات
لكن هل الانسانية لازالت قائمة في مجمعنا
هل المبادىء لازالت حية في مجتمعنا
الاجابة طبعا لا
مجتمعنا صار يسوده الخداع والمكر والانانية
افكارنا تغيرت وصرنا نتعامل بلغة المادة التي لا يحكمها القلب

اصبحت فيه المصلحة الشخصية فيه اهم من المصلحة

كل واحد منا يجري وراء وهم اسمه الثراء الذي لا يدوم حتى لو تطلب ذلك
تدمير الاخر
لا يهم المهم المصلحة الفردية
الكذب و الخيانة كلمتين اصبحت متداولة في حياتنا اليومية
انتشرت الماسي و الاحزان لم نعد نتذوف حلاوة الفرح ولا السعادة

انقلبت الموازين و صار فيها الصادق كاذبا و الامين خائنا الظالم عادلا

المظلوم متهما

لغة الضمير ماتت لم يعد يؤنب كما كان

الضمير مات ومات القلب معه

اصبح القلب فيه اشبه بقطعة جامدة لا يهتز ولا يتاثر

الرحمة انعدمت ولم نعد نعرف معنى هذا المصطلح

نحن نعيش في زمن عجيب باحداثه

[LEFT]AlAsr Training Center
Sari Gate Center, Office #1, 1
st Floor, Sari St.
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +9662 606 8080, Fax: +9662 606 8100[/left]

Project Management Certificate Program

Discover the world of Project Management and how this fast growing
discipline can drive strategic changes and provide a competitive
advantage within your organization and industry.
As projects grow in scope and complexity, organizations are
successfully using the tools and techniques of project management to
drive efficiencies and profitable growth. Successful project managers
are highly visible to top management, and more likely to be
considered for promotion.


The Project Management Certificate Program is offered in two modules
leading the student through the entire life cycle of a project. The first
module focus on the initiation and planning phases of a project. The
second module focus on the executing, monitoring and controlling
and closing phases of a project.
This certificate is designed for professionals seeking to further their
knowledge and understanding of the skills required to successfully
complete projects. The certificate can be taken by those who wish to
develop their communication and leadership expertise. Ultimately
many students become a certified Project Management Professional
(PMP). Individuals interested in taking the PMP® certification exam or
learning more about the exam preparation process can enroll in the
PMP Review course. Furthermore students can continue their
professional development and go forward to earn an Advanced
Certificate in Project Management.
Project management is directly affecting the strategic objectives of
organizations today. Some projects will take a market from
competitors; others can negatively hit the bottom line. Over the past
decade project management has experienced exponential growth. Top
organizations are sending their employees to get certified in record
numbers. There is a trend recognized by leadership that any
significant change that is not part of operations is a project.
Furthermore, their staff is responsible for delivering quality service
and products to the customer on time and within budget while
managing and prioritizing resources in the organization.

[LEFT]AlAsr Training Center
Sari Gate Center, Office #1, 1
st Floor, Sari St.
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +9662 606 8080, Fax: +9662 606 8100[/left]
To improve organizational performance, professionals are expected to
be experienced, knowledgeable and have the ability to integrate all
project management related functions related to: Scope, Time
(scheduling), Cost (budgeting), Quality, Human Resource Management,
Communication, Risk Management and Procurement.
Based upon the Project Management Body of Knowledge 3rd Edition
(2004), the Project Management Certificate Program is designed to
educate the professional, providing the best and most commonly used
practices in project management. Through lectures, team interaction
and activities, and classroom discussion, the student is positioned to
advance or transition their career within all professional disciplines.


This program is offered in conjunction with DePaul’s University
Management Development Center and can be used to prepare for the
PMP® Exam. DePaul’s Management Development Center is an
approved PMI Registered Education Provider.


[LEFT] Module I[/left]
[LEFT]o Project Management Overview[/left]
[LEFT]o The Project Management Context[/left]
[LEFT]o Stakeholder Management[/left]
[LEFT]o Triple Constraint[/left]
[LEFT]o Project Identification[/left]
[LEFT]o Project Management Processes & Integration Management[/left]
[LEFT]o Proposals[/left]
[LEFT]o Initiation[/left]
[LEFT]o Charter[/left]
[LEFT]o Scope Management & Planning[/left]
[LEFT]o Time Management[/left]
[LEFT]o Cost Management[/left]
[LEFT]o Quality Management[/left]
[LEFT]o Human Resource Management[/left]
[LEFT]o Communications Management[/left]
[LEFT]o Risk Management[/left]
[LEFT]AlAsr Training Center
Sari Gate Center, Office #1, 1
st Floor, Sari St.
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +9662 606 8080, Fax: +9662 606 8100[/left]
[LEFT]o Procurement Management[/left]
[LEFT]o Integration and Plan Development[/left]
[LEFT] Module II[/left]
[LEFT]o Project Risk Management[/left]
[LEFT]o Contracts & Procurement Management[/left]
[LEFT]o Project Management & Leadership[/left]
[LEFT]o Customer Relationship Management[/left]
[LEFT]o Human Resource Management[/left]
[LEFT]o Project Communications Management[/left]
[LEFT]o Team Development & Effectiveness[/left]
[LEFT]o Managing Project & Project Teams[/left]
[LEFT]o Professional Responsibility[/left]
Who Should Attend

Professionals, who manage, lead or participate as team members on
projects including, but not limited to the following industries:

[LEFT] Administration[/left]
[LEFT] Art[/left]
[LEFT] Banking[/left]
[LEFT] Computers[/left]
[LEFT] Construction[/left]
[LEFT] Consulting[/left]
[LEFT] Customer Service[/left]
[LEFT] Education[/left]
[LEFT] Engineering[/left]
[LEFT] Finance[/left]
[LEFT] Government[/left]
[LEFT] Healthcare[/left]
[LEFT] Hospitality[/left]
[LEFT] Human Resources[/left]
[LEFT] Information Technology[/left]
[LEFT] Insurance[/left]
[LEFT] Law Enforcement[/left]
[LEFT] Legal[/left]
[LEFT] Public Relations[/left]
[LEFT] Purchasing[/left]
[LEFT] Quality[/left]
[LEFT] Supply Chain[/left]
[LEFT] Training[/left]
[LEFT]AlAsr Training Center
Sari Gate Center, Office #1, 1
st Floor, Sari St.
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +9662 606 8080, Fax: +9662 606 8100[/left]

Registration Fees:
5 participants or less US$ 2,400 / participant / Module

More than 5 participants US$ 2,150 / participant / Module

السلام عليك
لا يجب ان نقطع الامل فهناك دائما الجيد وهناك السيئ لهذا يجب
ان نسال الله ان يصلح احوال امتنا

ان شاء اختي صار و ان شاء يتغير حال الامة الى احسن

جزاك الله خيرا