كتاب اسرار الاتوكاد

[CENTER]السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اليكم هذا الكتاب المهم والمفيد هو عن اسرار برنامج الاتوكاد

Discover Powerful Techniques and Features That Most Users Overlook
Whether you’re designing houses, landscapes, or machines, there are
AutoCAD tricks-of-the-trade that even seasoned users don’t know-tips
that can improve your skills, understanding, and productivity. This
practical, in-depth book reveals those secrets. You’ll find smart ideas
on customization, applying graphics standards, managing symbol
libraries, leveraging 3D, and more. It even includes an insider’s look
at features that are used in the field but often ignored in other books,
such as DOS functions, scripts, and AutoLISP® programming. The final
chapter, AutoCAD Puzzlers, challenges readers to solve real problems
from real AutoCAD users.

  • Explore real-world solutions and best practices. Is it faster to
    produce an accurate drawing or an inaccurate one? Find out why you
    should take technical graphics standards seriously and how to make
    AutoCAD apply them
  • Harness information rarely found in other books, such as how to
    rapidly change thousands of drawings using scripts and batch files, how
    to use the Visual LISP® editor to produce and debug AutoLISP programs,
    and more
  • Take full advantage of AutoCAD’s interface to improve your
  • Enjoy bonus extras, including the AutoLISP programs, other code used
    in the book, and a review of key features by release


http://rapidshare.com/files/30673106/Sybex.AutoCAD.Secrets.Every.User.Should.Know.Jan.2007.rar [/center]

جزاك الله خيرا

جارى التحميل شكرا


جارى التحميل مشكور مسبقا

العفو اخوانى الكرام

بارك الله فيك كتاب قيم جدا

منورنا اخى فكنانا

thank you for the book

not at all

((خير الناس من نفع الناس )) شكرا جزيلا علة هذه المشاركة القيمة ونتمنى منك المزيد واسال الله ان يوفقك …عباس العمري