Ergonomics is the study of people while they use equipment in
specific environments to perform certain tasks. Ergonomics seeks to minimize
adverse effects of the environment upon people and thus to enable each person
to maximize his or her contribution to a given job. This industry guide applied
to bridge engineering explains generally how measurements of human traits can
be used to further workplace safety, health, comfort and productivity, discusses
how to enhance worker safety by combining principles that govern the action of
forces with knowledge of the human body, analyzes properties of illumination
and explains how proper illumination makes for a safer workplace by reducing
worker fatigue, shows how hand tools can be designed to reduce injuries to
employees and to lessen trauma to their body members, illustrates ways to
recognize proper sitting positions and to construct seating arrangements to
minimize stress to the lumbar region, demonstrates how workspaces can be
designed to decrease psychological stress and to increase employee motivation,
directs attention to the benefits of proper selection and strategic arrangement of
controls and displays for the machinery operation, offers general information
about ways to reduce back injuries that result from manual lifting and offers
more specialized guidelines for evaluating physical stresses imposed by lifting,
refines the concept of the worker with a disability and suggests ways of meeting
the special needs of people with disabilities, and stimulates new thinking about
problems such as those from the sustained operation of computers brought
about by technological advancements. This industry guide to bridge engineering
demonstrates how benefits are derived from applying the principles of
ergonomics to workplace safety and health. It gives the reader a solid starting
point from which to seek new solutions to occupational safety and health
problems.IJBE-8-3-2020_Elmardi_27_58.pdf (1٫1% u)